A note on : Poem Brut books on Good Press

The Glaswegian bookshop Good Press has two of my poem brut books in stock to buy, with profits to the brilliant Hesterglock press and the good cause of Good Press itself. They have laid the books out beautifully, with lovely images from within.

“Ǥᗝᗝᗪ ᑭᖇᗴᔕᔕ is a volunteer run, informally organised shop and event space dedicated to the promotion, distribution and production of independently or self published printed matter, with a focus on visual arts and writing, occasionally music or artist objects. All of the publications you find in-store and on-line are either self published or produced by an independent small press, gallery, group or organisation.”

A note on: The University Camarade - April 23rd

A wonderful, positive evening with new collaborations from student, and inherently young, poets, from six universities across the UK. I decided to curate this event for multiple reasons - to show that collaboration is immensely helpful for the development of young poets (into interesting directions anyway), to show that creative writing programs deserve more respect for the quality they can produce, to get past the supposed 'competition' between creative writing departments and to begin to inculcate communities between young writers, or at the very least, to make them feel there are communities out there for them, that people do want to hear and value their more innovative ideas.

The works on display were genuinely brilliant, across the board, the event had been taken so seriously by all 20 poets. Everyone felt it had a been a grand success and will likely happen again www.theenemiesproject.com/unicamarade

Auld Enemies diary - Glasgow

The days I get to have free in Edinburgh, my third visit in a year, getting deeper into a relationship with the place, we are based here until we leave for the proper North. The reading in Glasgow is a co-habitation with the Fail Better series run by Henry Bell. Can't tell it's vibe, raucous I'd say, as is the expectation (perhaps unfairly) for the city in general. It's in a noisey pub, but it suits, the audience is partially drunk, but Ryan is hosting (we alternate) and I just relax, reading first with nick-e melville, a collaboration I love reading as I loved writing. Some amazing work, high high energy, Calum Rodger, Anthony Autumn, Katy Hastie, Graeme Smith, real highlights, high standard. Getting trains together now, just starting to laugh most of the time we're not reading or writing together. My first ever reading in Glasgow in fact, auspicious first time.
Auld Enemies Glasgow
SJ Fowler & nick-e melville https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KgfRBC-z0l4
Neil Davidson & Thomas Betteridge https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aGMy71puSXc
Iyad Hayatleh & Nalini Paul https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qx6vHebiW1M
Jim Ferguson & Ellen McAteer https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jqILf5aG-7A
Ryan Van Winkle & Ross Sutherland https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tonXsFEe_tc
Katy Hastie & Graeme Smith https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Na3c0UIy1jo
William Letford & Colin Herd https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cO5AGYobprc
Calum Rodger & Anthony Autumn https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t3-Vm8ApyeA