collaborators Joe Dunthorne, Luke Kennard, Eley Williams, Harry Man, Ailbhe Darcy, Karen Sandhu, Prudence Bussy Chamberlain in Bethnal Green : Nov 2019
I’ve collaborated often. Two volumes of selected collaborations - Enemies and Nemeses - covering a decade. Over 100 collaborative performances. 100s of Camarade collaborative events curating poets and artists in pairs. Co-curating The National Poetry Library summer exhibition on the history of collaboration and poetry. Features in magazines like Poetry, Magma, Jacket2 and Cordite. In 2020 I was selected to be one of 18 writers for Babel Between Us.
I’ve used literature as a base to work with artists, composers, dancers, sculptors, musicians, photographers and all arts writing can fit / not-fit into, and then written in tandem with a great array of authors. I’ve lectured on methods of collaboration too, at universities, conferences and festivals from Germany to Mexico - it’s a significant sprawl of work I’ve constructed with others.
This page documents the eclectic collaborations which fall outside of
MAGMA : feature on collaboration, forthcoming 2020
BEASTINGS : Collaborations with Diamanda Dramm
LUNALIA with Maja Jantar : audio exchanges on the moon
INTERSEMIOTIC TRANSLATION with Robert Prosser - Palgrave
REVENGE OF MIGUEL COTTO : London Sinfonietta, collaborations with Phil Venables
The MOPHA Collective (2014-2016)
The ERDINGER Collective 2020
TRYIE Collective 2013 - 2015
with Endre Ruset
with Marcus Slease
with Jorg Piringer
with Michael Horovitz
with Holly Pester
with Tim Atkins